Day 3: My Shuffled Playlist

So,the third mission of Emotional Flutter 30 Days Blogging Challenge is to make a mess with my playlist.

And the result are:

1. Radiohead – Prove Yourself
2. Muse – Isolated System
3. Muse – Supermassive Black Hole
4. Jamrud – Asal British
5. Breaking Benjamin – I Will Not Bow
6. Kenny G – Forever in Love
7. Guns N’ Roses – Paradise City
8. SNSD – Galaxy Supernova
9. Maroon 5 – Get Back in My Life
10. Padi – Prolog

Okay, not bad all. I like all of the song.

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Arif Abdurahman
Arif Abdurahman

Pekerja teks komersial asal Bandung, yang juga mengulik desain visual dan videografi. Pop culture nerd dan otaku yang punya minat pada psikologi, sastra, dan sejarah.

Articles: 1924

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