WPC: Nostalgic

This is English version of my last post in Arip Blog.
First, WPC is stand for Weekly Photo Challenge. Every bloggers are welcome to participate this. Each week, The Daily Post will provide one theme, and we just take a picture based on our interpretation of the theme.
Well, this week is about “Nostalgic”. And I show you the photo taken when I am in senior high school. Yeah, I am with Abusadji, my classmates. We had a picnic in the school, a garden near behind mosque and library.
It’s taken when we are in last year before we graduated. And I think that’s a memorable moment with them.
Abusadji, I miss all of you.

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Arif Abdurahman
Arif Abdurahman

Pekerja teks komersial asal Bandung, yang juga mengulik desain visual dan videografi. Pop culture nerd dan otaku yang punya minat pada psikologi, sastra, dan sejarah.

Articles: 1786

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